Prodim stand at Marmomac 2017

2017 will go down in the history books as Prodim’s record breaking Marmomac

Looking back at Marmomac 2016 we spoke of the best Marmomac ever. We spoke too soon, because this year’s participation made short work of that and exceeded all our expectations. Despite the fact we were present with more sales support employees than ever, most of the time our stand was so crowded that all of us were engaged. We hereby would like to thank again our visitors for waiting so patiently and apologize for having to wait this long. It has been a crazy week and this is what happened:

Visitors on our stand from before the first minute up to the last

It was even before the official show opening and we were still busy with connecting power when the first stone fabricator already visited our stand to inform about the Proliner. From then on, there has not been a single minute without an interested visitor on our stand. In fact a last-minute-deal was made when part of the team was already breaking down the stand. As a direct effect, we have never had that many employees lost their voices after Marmomac.

Most frowns and laughs

Watch this video we have shown during Marmomac and you will know why:


Highest number of closed Proliner Stone Package deals

We have closed a record number of deals with stone fabricators that decided during the Marmomac fair that the Proliner and our stone industry software solutions are the best tools for improving their templating and production processes. We are also working hard on the follow up of the four folders filled with visitor records of stone fabricators that have expressed serious interest in our digital templating solutions.


Thank you for visiting us at Marmomac! We will work hard to follow up on all requests!