Neuigkeiten von Prodim

TLC Surfaces - United States

Mike Alicea, owner of TLC Surfaces: „It was an easy decision to purchase a Proliner, since it will fulfill our needs to create more accurate templates and increase the number of kitchen and bathroom projects measured per day.“

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Marmoles Anaga - Spain

Sr. Pérez Rodriguez: „Users from within the stone sector confirmed the Proliner’s accuracy and Prodim’s good after sales service. After that it was an easy decision.“

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Bomarbre - Belgium

Mr. Maes: „We choose for the Proliner because of its ease of use and because it is the only tool that can provide us with the accuracy we are looking for.“

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Instrument Glasses - United Kingdom

Steven and Kevin: „We can use the time we save to take on extra projects and the fact that the Proliner can measure random glass shapes accurately, enables us to expand our business activities and realize even more challenging glass projects!“

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Brüdgam - Deutschland

B. Rolapp und K. Waligora: Wir können den Proliner zum Messen von flachen, gebogenen und komplexen Glaskonstruktionen verwenden, was ihn zu einer zukunftssicheren Investition macht.

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